20 Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent. TN30 6QU


We don’t impose or apply undue pressure. We do work with you to make sure the day’s right.

Grief is a shocking and bewildering experience and not something to be ‘got over’ in a matter of weeks or months. Grief is a long and individual process, and no two people ever experience it in the same way.

There is no pressure on you to feel fine. This is time to concentrate on being strong for you and not just for the people surrounding you who have their own grief to deal with.

Grief itself isn’t an illness. It’s normal for a bereaved person not to feel normal.

You will frequently become sad, relieved, angry, forgetful, calm, bad-tempered, cheerful, despairing, anxious and exhausted… possibly all on the same day. Don’t worry.

If you have major despairs and grief, do talk to someone, whether it’s a relative, friend, your G.P. or a member of the clergy.

If it helps to talk to someone, we can put you in touch with Cruise (an entirely voluntary organisation set up to help people come to terms with their bereavement and new life ahead), or simply you may wish to visit the excellent website, Griefjourney.com by the world renowned Dr Bill Webster, which also includes DVD’s and books that can be purchased.

It is important to remember that there are people out there to help you – you’re not on your own.

It may take a long time to grasp what has happened. Some people carry on as if nothing has happened. It is hard to believe that someone is not coming back

the shock can make you numb, you may feel you’re in a different world’

Death can seem cruel and unfair, especially when you feel someone has died before their time or when you had plans for the future

Physical and mental pain can feel completely overwhelming and very frightening

You can’t stop thinking about the events leading up to the death or even how you saw someone who had passed away

You may feel guilty about things you said or did or things you didn’t say

Many people say there are times after a death when they feel there is nothing worth living for and they feel like ending it all

Thinking you are hearing or seeing someone who has died is a common experience and can happen when you least expect it

Many people find it takes much longer to learn to cope without someone to love.

many people find the mood swings very frightening. The grief of losing someone can wash over you like a tide. One minute you’re fine, the next minute you’re in floods of tears